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- Original author : Heiner Schneegold
- Translation by : Thorsten Behrens
- Referenced VT version: VT3.16
- If there are problems that might depend on the translation, send a short
- e-mail to "thorsten.behrens@dorunth.kn-bremen.de" describing your problem.
- I can't answer questions relating to any technical details of VT. However,
- I can try to clarify your questions from the original german documents.
- I won't take any warranty if, based on this translation, damage is done to
- your system. The only valid documents are the original german documents that
- came along with VTx.yz.
- Remember to regurlarly backup your system!
- === Translation starts here ===================================================
- Date: 99-08-16
- CheckDisk: (CheckD)
- ----------
- Some users liked being able to perform several tests of a disk in a single
- run. To achieve this, enter CPrefs and choose which drive to test and what
- kind of test to run. Whenever clicking the CheckD gadet your preferred tests
- entered in CPrefs will then be performed with the disk inserted in DF0: To
- stop the test (which runs in an endless loop) press ESC until CheckDisk-Ende
- is displayed.
- Remark: When testing the bootblock a text is displayed on the right-hand side
- of the screen below "Ende" as if in normal testing. If the bootblock being
- tested is a non-standard bootblock (either a virus or some useful bootblock)
- the test stops displaying a requester. You may now examine the bootblock data
- or continue testing by pressing "Weiter". If it is a virus bootblock, an
- Install requester will be shown. You may use this requester to put Commodore's
- original bootblock back to DFx: using expansions.lib. VT tries to take care
- using the correct DOS variant (0-5). If you are not sure, whether this boot-
- block may be obsolete eg games using their own bootblock (the game will not
- run if you replace it's own bootblock by the original one from Commodore),
- press ESC to stop the test. Make a copy of the disk in question and try re-
- placing the bootblock on the copy. Test, whether the software runs OK. You
- may also want to save the bootblock in question using Sp->File->Sp.
- Virii may be removed from files while testing disks.
- CheckDisk DFx: may be used with DD or HD disks, but not with MSDOS disks.
- MSDOS disks will have to be checked by clicking on the appropriate gadgets,
- eg. PC0:
- CPrefs:
- -------
- Please activate the appropriate gadgets (will be shown as checked) when in
- the CPrefs window and click on "Ende" when satisied.
- Note with SD0:
- Please use statram.device VER 37.7 dated February, 25 1994. Versions prior
- to this are not appropriate, because they do not maintain an exact disk
- structure.
- Note with RAD: (or disk drives in general)
- With some versions of Kickstart the command "mount rad:" is NOT sufficient
- to display the appropriate icon on the workbench. In this case, please
- type
- mount RAD:
- cd RAD:
- cd SYS:
- within a shell window. This should be sufficient to display the drive's icon.
- Mountlist entries for CPrefs:
- RAD: /* $VER: RAD 40.1 (31.8.93) */
- Device = ramdrive.device
- Unit = 0 /* !!!!!! */
- mount = 1
- Flags = 1
- Surfaces = 2
- BlocksPerTrack = 11
- BlockSize = 512
- Reserved = 2
- Interleave = 0
- LowCyl = 0
- HighCyl = 79
- Buffers = 5
- BufMemType = 1
- #
- SD0: /* min. KS2.04 */
- /* $VER: SD0 37.2 (29.1.94) */
- /* statram.device VER 37.7 of 25.2.94 */
- Device = statram.device
- Flags = 1
- Surfaces = 2
- Reserved = 2
- Interleave = 0
- LowCyl = 0
- Buffers = 5
- StackSize = 600
- Priority = 5
- Mount = 1
- Unit = 0 /* !!!!!! */
- BlocksPerTrack = 11 /* !!!!!! */
- HighCyl = 79
- BufMemType = 1
- DosType = 0x444F5300
- #
- RHD: /* min. KS2.04 */
- Device = ramdrive.device
- Unit = 1 /* !!!!!! */
- mount = 1
- Flags = 0
- Surfaces = 2
- BlocksPerTrack = 22
- BlockSize = 512
- Reserved = 2
- Interleave = 0
- LowCyl = 0
- HighCyl = 79
- Buffers = 5
- BufMemType = 1
- #
- SHD: /* min. KS2.04 */
- Device = statram.device
- Flags = 0
- Surfaces = 2
- Reserved = 2
- Interleave = 0
- LowCyl = 0
- Buffers = 5
- StackSize = 600
- Priority = 5
- Mount = 1
- Unit = 1 /* !!!!!! */
- BlocksPerTrack = 22 /* !!!!!! */
- HighCyl = 79
- BufMemType = 1
- DosType = 0x444F5303
- #
- DS0: /* min. KS2.04 */
- /* min. diskspare.device 2.0 (14.3.94) */
- /* using this values DD disks and HD disks will be recognized
- correctly */
- Device = diskspare.device
- Unit = 0
- Mount = 1
- Flags = 7 /* enable HD */
- Surfaces = 2
- BlockSize = 512
- BlocksPerTrack = 12
- Reserved = 2
- Interleave = 0
- LowCyl = 0
- HighCyl = 81 /* !!!!!! */
- Buffers = 50
- BufMemType = 0
- StackSize = 600
- Priority = 10
- GlobVec = -1
- DosType = 0x444F5303
- #
- To work with FF0 and FFH drives you have to create a subdirectory on your
- harddisk. Also put this line into your startup-sequence:
- assign FMS: dh0:partitionen
- FF0:
- Device = fmsdisk.device
- Unit = 0
- Flags = 1
- Surfaces = 2
- BlocksPerTrack = 11
- Reserved = 2
- Interleave = 0
- LowCyl = 0
- HighCyl = 79
- Buffers = 2
- BufMemType = 0
- #
- FFH:
- Device = fmsdisk.device
- Unit = 1
- Flags = 1
- Surfaces = 2
- BlocksPerTrack = 22
- Reserved = 2
- Interleave = 0
- LowCyl = 0
- HighCyl = 79
- Buffers = 2
- BufMemType = 0
- #
- Part of a newer Mount command with keywords:
- 534543 SEC
- 544f5253 495a453d 424c4f43 4b53495a TORSIZE=BLOCKSIZ
- 452c2c53 55524641 4345532c 53454354 E,,SURFACES,SECT
- 4f525350 4552424c 4f434b2c 53454354 ORSPERBLOCK,SECT
- 4f525350 45525452 41434b3d 424c4f43 ORSPERTRACK=BLOC
- 4b535045 52545241 434b2c52 45534552 KSPERTRACK,RESER
- 5645442c 50524541 4c4c4f43 2c494e54 VED,PREALLOC,INT
- 45524c45 4156452c 4c4f5743 594c2c48 ERLEAVE,LOWCYL,H
- 49474843 594c2c42 55464645 52532c42 IGHCYL,BUFFERS,B
- 55464d45 4d545950 452c4d41 58545241 UFMEMTYPE,MAXTRA
- 4e534645 522c4d41 534b2c42 4f4f5450 NSFER,MASK,BOOTP
- 52492c44 4f535459 50452c42 4155442c RI,DOSTYPE,BAUD,
- 434f4e54 524f4c2c 44455649 43452c55 CONTROL,DEVICE,U
- 4e49542c 464c4147 532c4841 4e444c45 NIT,FLAGS,HANDLE
- 522c5354 41434b53 495a452c 5052494f R,STACKSIZE,PRIO
- 52495459 2c474c4f 42564543 2c46494c RITY,GLOBVEC,FIL
- 45535953 54454d2c 53544152 5455502c ESYSTEM,STARTUP,
- 41435449 56415445 3d4d4f55 4e542c45 ACTIVATE=MOUNT,E
- 48414e44 4c45522c 464f5243 454c4f41 HANDLER,FORCELOA
- 44 D
- After the = you'll see the keyword for elder KS versions.
- Amiga is a registered trademark of Gateway 2000